

On the outbound flight we had an hour stopover in Colombo, Sri Lanka and we arrived at Male Airport (an island with just the runway and some buildings) early in the morning.

We made our way over to the desk for the sea plane company who would take us to Angaga and were transported by minibus across the runway (they had barriers which went down when a plane landed) to the sea plane harbor. After waiting 90 minutes we finally boarded the sea plane (a DeHaviland Twin Otter) to fly to Angaga.

Angaga is one of the smaller islands. You can easily walk around it in 15 minutes and they have a maximum of 150 guests. As it was low season they were only half full. Our bungalow was beautiful. All bungalows had an outdoor bathroom (with a wall around it…) and were located right at the beach.

I had hurt my lower back somewhere before and was in agony the first couple of days. And believe me: it’s difficult to be romantic if you are in pain…  The resort also included a Spa and I had a back massage there 3 times which helped a lot.

The food was good; it was sometimes a bit dry, but with a good variation. And the drinks were not overly expensive: a beer was US$ 3, excluding a 10% service charge.

I made 3 dives while staying at Angaga, 2 of which when we went out for a whole day looking for whale sharks… Unfortunately we didn’t see any… I did see some white tip reef sharks though ;)

Have a look at the Angaga video or look at the pictures we took there.