In the Navy for 1 day

Holidays 2004
Six Flags
Sharm el Sheikh
Las Vegas


It isn't often you get the chance to sail with a real Royal Dutch Navy Frigate for a day. Especially when you realize that my father, who served with the navy for 14 months, never even once got to sea... So when a colleague of mine gave us the opportunity to do so I accepted without much hesitation and went to have a look at our tax Euros at work. We spend the day on HMS Van Nes. The Dutch navy even gives each ship a website, so if you want to, have a look at it here.

26 April was actually a very nice day, about 18° Celsius and no wind, so we had a great day. Have a look at the video I shot in medium or high quality. Sailing one of these ships is pretty impressive I must say, especially when they start up the 33.000 BHP gas turbines to go to top speed.... But call me a chicken.... I didn't sign up...